An heartfelt and outrageous discription of life in middle surburbia full of life laughter and turmoil a must read for anyone,anywhere,ever..p.s i love bacon -Oprah Winfrey

Monday, November 14, 2005

You dug a hole in lani's are in sooo much trouble!!!

Life's been pretty quiet over the last few weeks , had some huge days at work and it's pretty much drained my life force over recent times. But had some good nights and mandys house warming where shananigans rained down like wild fire and as always lani's on friday night
is full of drunken tom foolery , he should set a bar up on his deck and a big neon sign that says " lannigans Place" people would pay to hear some of the ridiculous conversations that happen on that deck , if you listen carefully i think the meaning of life has been worked out on more than one occasion but everyone always forgets about it in the morning .. we've also been missing some of the big time players such as quick , rick and thao over recent months which has brought down energy levels some what but the inclusion of " social brian" has been a welcome one , good to see he's woken up from his 4 year hibernation and decided to aknowledge that there is a world outside his lounge room !

I think that it's time someone gave brooke the ole double thumbs down for her snubbery since then recent accusition of a better half , Poor form player, i dont think most people even received an invite to see the new place ... ahh well

Went to see Big nudge mc millans new place in heidelburg last week , nice lookin place with a groovy litchen and a dopey lookin dog thats legs were way to big for its body , hehe hopefully be movin down to his hood in jan so look out sunday bbq's , i think im going to turn into the nudge and crach his house and eat all his bread like he did to me back in the day , i'll be like an older version of dennis the menace except ill come over and drink all his beer and make in appropriate comments about the guy next doors wife hehehe

Jazzcats tip of the week this week would probly have to be martha wainwright, she comes from an incredible music family and has a brilliant voice , im just spewin i missed her set at the northcote social club earlier in the year. i Suggest grabbin some of her tunes and takin a drive up in the dandy's it's my new thing to do at the monent , go grab a c.d and drive round till it finishes , makes me feel like im in some sought of cameron crowe road trip movie

Hopefully see everyone real soon, tryin to make as much time to get my party on but this is the busiest time of the year for me so if i go on the missing list throw a brother a bone.

" lynch Shannon Noll "



Blogger Thaozee said...

Bogan caroling for life!!!!

9:23 AM

Blogger Thaozee said...

how was greenday?

10:42 PM


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