An heartfelt and outrageous discription of life in middle surburbia full of life laughter and turmoil a must read for anyone,anywhere,ever..p.s i love bacon -Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Fairwell to the dearly departed..

Quicky left last week and im still kicking myself that i didnt get to say a proper goodbye to him , missed him by about 20 minutes and was instead greeted by a wasted pack of bogans watching a manga movie hahaha hopefully he got the medallion i left in his letter box so if your reading this quick i left a GFC medallion in your letter box the night before you left , if you didnt get it theres a strong chance malcolm or murray have stolen it and youll never see it agin of luck brother and i know youll be knocking the canadian ladies into a beatlemania like state of excitement.

In other news i've been extremely busy this week with my first lady going in for some pretty heavy surgery this week. She got a couple of bitchin scars and i must admit seeing her being wheeled into the sroom with heart monitors ,oxygen pumps and blood bags made me a little weak in the knees , but she's on the couch now eating doritos and other than walking around the house like an elderly bilbo bagiins she's all good , I'm also going to be staying with mel for the next week or so to keep an eye on things and make sure she eats more than refried spaghetti and toast. so i wont be back in the area besides on monday to hoop it up with the slot jockeys

Last sundays gig at the northcote social club was great , was about as intimate as bob dylan playing how does it feel in your bedroom , if you ever see a good gig annouced at the northcote social club then go !!! it's probly the best venue in melbourne as far as intimacy goes!

Also while in the hospital waiting for the melsta to get out i was walking through the corridors and had to walk through the intensive care unit to get some food , unfortuneatly as i was walking through a group of young girls and family members have obviosly been told some horrible news and broke down in grief and screaming around me , i've never seen anyone so totally overcome by loss and hopefully never have to again... all the ppl i have known die have been old or i've been told the information a few days down the track , it really put things into perspective for me and (knock on wood) hopefully i never have to go through what that family was going through.

so i should be bak in baysie next week and hopefully can catch up with some of y'all then as i've been busier than a stowaway hooker on a navy ship this week , hope everyone is well and a big congrats to thao's sister on her up coming numptuals , now if only taho and troy will publicly annouce there " love bond" the ngyuen family will be complete hahaha

jazzcats tip of the week is : Just say NO to INXS rockstar!!! , it's putrid bile seeping into the infected wound of a previously great band , michael would be turnin in his grave watching these american idol rejects slaghter his music all in the name of the mighty green back.....for shame

a to the mutherfuckin k homeboys



Blogger Thaozee said...


7:50 PM

Blogger Thaozee said...

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7:53 PM

Blogger Thaozee said...

Good to hear the Melsta's A-OK

5:18 AM


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