An heartfelt and outrageous discription of life in middle surburbia full of life laughter and turmoil a must read for anyone,anywhere,ever..p.s i love bacon -Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

And a girl named cathy wants a little of my time...

I just noticed on the way home today that i associate most of the major events in my life to music. It's like my brain catorgerises things in melody form rather than processing it into data.

I still remember listening to jeff buckley when i was on the way to meet my girlfriends parents for the first time and being amazingly nervous then taking out the disc and listening to millencolin the rest of the way there , this was when i was still a quiet long haired metal head but i got so pumped up i lost all nerves and all went alot better than i expected, and listening to siamese dream by smashing pumpkins on repeat when i broke up with a teenage girlfriend , and two of my most memorable over seas moments was singing bob marleys no woman no cry with two italian guys who couldnt speak a word of english in the streets of ireland and listening to an amazing U2 cover in a galway pub with only myself and a pint of henieken

And even the not so major events are heavily influenced by it, it's like i constantly have some sought of movie soundtrack playing in the background no matter what i do. Every couple of months i sought of adopt a song which automaticly makes me in a good mood , helps me perk up a little and it feels like i'm doing something wrong if i turn it off, such as nutshell by alice in chains , where is my mind by the pixies, amen omen by ben harper and i want to hear you sad by the early november are just a few that have popped into the rotation over the last little bit .

This year by the mountain goats is my go to song at the moment perfect for after those soul crushing weeks at work.

Some ppl smoke crack to lift a weight off , some ppl start a fight...i just rock out haha

"I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me!!"



Blogger Thaozee said...

It's all about the music man. I'm glad you got off the money. That shit was stealing your soul. How was Downsyde?

12:35 AM


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