An heartfelt and outrageous discription of life in middle surburbia full of life laughter and turmoil a must read for anyone,anywhere,ever..p.s i love bacon -Oprah Winfrey

Saturday, July 30, 2005

"Theres always money in the banana stand"

What a nothing week, the days sought of roll into one big haze of bollocks at the moment i couldnt have told you if it was tuesday or friday this week and honestly i really didnt care because they were all the same, work work work sleep sleep sleep ,

Besides friday when i droppen in to ole big bogan B.C's place for friday night catch up with the lads, which mostly consisted of everyone else watching brian play video games and laughing at his mum's careless use of the word pussy when talking to there cat who incidently has no nose!! But i also received a piece of huge news.. senor quicky the mangler is leaving our fair shores to dip his toes in the icy waters of canada for 12 months.. and he leaves in the next couple of months. I dont know why he's leaving our little piece of paradise to hang out with people who cant even say "about" and who's currency is called the " loony" but hey i think i'm just jealous cos i'm dieing to just pack it all up and head to another country for a bit as well. My sense of adventure is clawing away at my insides but at the moment it will have to lay dorment .. maybe in a couple of months i'll go on a holiday some where .. but anyway big cheerz to the quicksta may he return safely to our loving arms soon , trips to a bar called barrys just wont be the same with out his trademark dance moves to chers " if i can turn back time" hopefully he takes tose traditions with him and spreads them into a world wide phenomonom , anythings better than that fuckin crocodile song!!

Speaking of which has the whole world gone musicly retarded since when did a fuckin cartoon frog pretending to be a motorbike and a baby crocodile singing in german become to 20 music material??? Next it's going to be the sounds of the sleeping elderly! " Hey man have you heard the new one from old man johnson?, got a wicked snore track man and that bit where he mumbles something about toast ... i can so realte to that shit"
It's fuckin bullshit!!! As bill hicks would say the whole industry is full of ppl willing to suck satans cock for a bit of cash and exposure PLAY FROM YOUR HEART YOU FUCKS!!!

Anyway theres not alot mroe from me Jazzcats tip of the week this week is a book i got given for christmas called "found" it's all excerts from a magazine of the same name in the states about notes etc ppl have found all over the world some really funny and interesting stuff from the last four decades includig childrens letters about the assaination of kennedy and various writings that were found during the L.A riots and after september 11 as well as some funny shit that ppl have left on dickheads car windows , if you get the chance borrow it from the library or just borrow it from me , it's worth a flick through

Now it's to time scrounge through the net and find something to do tonight as my week has been filled with cooking and bogan comments and i need some sought of stimulating entertainment , so i dont transform into lleyton hewitt ..

hasa samalenka brothers


Blogger Thaozee said...

You'll always be my Ley Ley

11:02 PM


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