An heartfelt and outrageous discription of life in middle surburbia full of life laughter and turmoil a must read for anyone,anywhere,ever..p.s i love bacon -Oprah Winfrey

Monday, October 10, 2005


Everyday i do split shifts at work and normally get about 2 hours break and generally cant be botherd doing anything besides sit back drink coffee , listen to music and read the paper and everyday in the world section i read some other crazy crap about america

I was shocked to read that they only just put through a bill which makes it illegal to torture prisoners of war ! after all the crap theyve had to go though with iraq and there was still 15 ppl out of a hundread who voted agaist it , who in there right mind could go ... hmmm no i reakon hooking someones nuts up to a car battery is completely justified in any situation , and these are the guys who are apprently in the fore front of the free world , not only that but goerge W is nominating some 80 year old judge who is agaist affirmitive action and womans rights as one of his right hand men ! So we've got some old bracer wearing guy who most likely eats possum for dinner while lookin over his slave plantation and givin his mrs the old one two combo for not buying the right brand of chewin tobacco giving advice to a interlectually impaired cowboy on peace, justice and world affairs , these are the minds responsible for shaping the western world and theyd be lucky to figure out the, socks THEN shoes puzzle that faces them every morning when they wake up i tell ya what..

In other news my team the slot jockeys is playin our semi final hoop fest tnght and ive got high hopes for a grand finals birth... so to all those ppl who were givin us shit about getting " pantsed" last season (i.e t-nugg and canadian quick) be prepared to eat your words bitchs when me and the j dogg lay down the business on the wombat crew old school!!

i got game fools




Blogger Thaozee said...

I bet my words taste like rice anyway...

9:29 AM


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